Celebrating All Things Australian…
An Australia Day
Tribute to the
Australian Shed
January, 26. Sweltering summer’s day, cold beer, aroma of sizzling sausages and the distant sound of the cricket on the telly.
Does that sound about right?
Seems that no matter where you celebrate Australia day, it factors in the above. We celebrate the emblematic Australian idiosyncrasies, to reminder ourselves of our freedoms we cherish in this incredible country.
But to many Australians, 26 of January is a date riddled with confusion and inquiry. Why celebrate Australia day on the date the first fleet landed in Australia? There was, and is, much more to Australia than the arrival of first fleet. So why should Australians celebrate our freedoms on date that admonished freedoms of rightful Australians? Seems that the mindset is confused. Even the supermarket giant Aldi coped a lot of slack for the confusion back in 2014 with trying to flog off an ‘Australian est. 1788’ T-Shirt in its stores. We all know Australia existed long before 1788!

The arrival of the First Fleet – Is this why we celebrate ‘Australia Day’?
It seems we have confused the celebration national freedom for a date that has stuck in the political calendar of the Australian democracy. So what is Australia Day then if not the recognition of colonisation? Shouldn’t it be a celebration of all things Australian? Things which are ironically ours. Things that cannot be replicated or replaced by the influx to global culture. Things which have been adopted from abroad and affectionately embraced as our own. Things that we love, things that we hate. Things that make us who we all are…. BLOODY AUSTRALIANS!
So why should Australians celebrate our mutual freedoms on a date that admonished freedoms of rightful Australians?
So what the hell has any of this got to with Sheds I hear resonate? Well its simple. If we believe that January 26, 1788 has no applicability to what Australia Day represents in 2017, then I say lets change the date.
Seriously, who cares when we celebrate Australia Day. Its the ‘why’ we celebrate it that’s important. Australia Day needs about all things ‘Australian‘. And if that is the case, then there is nothing more iconic than the Australian tin shed on a sunburnt outback landscape.

MyKit are the ONLY shed to be win the Australian International Design Award for Engineering Excellence.
Winner 1997
The Australian tin shed is emblematic of all things Australian. Our agriculture is as reliant on the ‘shed shelter’ as it is on the ever changing elements that make this country great. Our backyards would never been Australian without the ‘pool room’ in the garage. The sound of summer rain pelting down on a Colorbond® patio is so incredibly Australian. That’s right, the tin shed is to be celebrated as part of the fabric of all things Australian.
MyKit is so honoured to be an 100% Australian owned and operated business. We pride ourselves in our all Australian-made, manufactured, designed, engineered and built sheds. Our products are so ironically Australian, that we even won an Australian Design Award for Engineering Excellence (one of the most long standing and prestigious design awards in the world.)
So this Australia Day, lets try to forget what historically the 26th of January represents. Let’s celebrate Australia! Let’s celebrate all things Australian! Let’s celebrate Australia for what it is… the best country in the world!
So to our fellow Australians, happy Australia Day from all of the Aussies at MyKit.

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