“Awesome, my Garage kit has just arrived..!
Where do I start?”
New things
make me
How exiting, your new kit Garage has just arrived and you are chomping at the bit to start bolting and screwing things together.
But wait..!
First thing first and the first thing you need to do is to inspect for damage. No damage, grab the tinsnips to open the pack.

Flat-packed kit Garage delivered site
Damage, take a photo with your mobile, text or email it to the supplier and then ring them. Ask the question, “what are you going to do about it?” “What do you want me to do?” You need to solve this problem BEFORE you start.
Not much point rushing out to Bunnings to buy replacement parts and then thinking that the supplier is going to reimburse you.
It won’t happen.
“You need to solve this problem BEFORE you start building your kit shed.”
Let’s say that there is no damage, but is it all there? How do I know? Well your kit would have come with a Bill of Material (BOM) in the pack – if not ask your supplier for one.
Carefully tick as best as you can what you can see and what is on the BOM. Does it match.. No?
Call the supplier, sort the issue NOW.

Up, up, up and away. Shed frame up and waiting for cladding.
Photograph by MyKit Pty Ltd
But I don’t know what all these parts are!! True, but you should be able to tell count lumps of steel and tick them off the BOM. You should be able to count amount of sheets, bolts screws etc. Yes bit of a slow process and a little detective work and probably time consuming, but a hell of a lot less expensive than not doing it and finding out you are short some sheets or the roller doors are the wrong colour or size.
Your job is to match the BOM to what you received, not weather its wright or wrong. Because if its wrong the obligation to rectify has just shifted to the supplier.
Most reputable suppliers of Garages, Carports, Farm and Industrial Buildings get it right most of the time like MyKit does. From time to time, and all the time from the suppliers that sell on price alone, mistakes and happen, because we are either human or shonks.
The good supplier fixes it without argument and an apology. The shonks blame you as they have no margin in the product to fix their mistakes.
But none of this should dissuade you from initial joy of your bright and shinny new Shed. Just a small hiccup to overcome, and in grand scheme, will be soon forgotten once your standing in your new Shed or Garage.
So from the team at MyKit, happy unpacking!

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